Information Technology Cybersecurity

Securing a critical flaw in your cyber-architecture


Mix remote work with a pandemic and you get a brutal combination of security dependencies, threats, and budgetary constraints. Expected to do even more with less, IT teams are stretched to the max and the security liabilities are piling up. Now, a sharp increase in email-borne cyberattacks is very much paralleling the rise in remote work.


It’s time to lock it down.



 More Remote Work
 Digital Communication
 Attack Surface Area


The Threat:
Increased Surface Area

350% rise in phishing attempts. - UNICRI

The larger your attack surface area, the more weak leaks leave gaps for cyber criminals. The UN reports that phishing attempts have increased 350% since the pandemic, and 96% of threats begin with email, reports Verizon.

The Opportunity:
Become Essential

Be the trusted provider your customers need

IT service and software providers that are able to affordably scale email and file transfer security will come out ahead. They’re better able to reallocate much-needed capital, seize on growth opportunities, and communicate freely and securely with vendors and customers.


Choose a security partner who cares.
Move forward with AppRiver.

Request a Trial

79% of business leaders say new business models introduce technology vulnerabilities faster than they can be secured.



96% of threats start with public email. - Verizon


A lack of trust cost U.S. businesses $756B - Accenture


Cost of breach up 1.5x - Security Intelligence


4 in 10 threats involve employees; 75% lack skilled resources. - Deloitte


Only 52% of surveyed executives are confident or extremely confident in their organization’s security. - Deloitte


43% of breaches in 2019 involved SMB - Verizon


SMBs typically lose 25% of revenues after a breach - Cyentia