Questions Apptix Hosted Exchange Customers Should be Asking
Thought Leadership
Questions Apptix Hosted Exchange Customers Should be Asking
Kristy McDaniel Baia

Last week, managed services provider Apptix announced it is shutting down its hosted Exchange service and selling part of its cloud customer division to GoDaddy. The plan is for Apptix customers who are currently on its hosted Exchange platform to migrate to GoDaddy’s Office 365.
The question is, who do you want to host your email and who would you like to work with?
In the IT world, that choice is critical because one size rarely fits all. Customers being moved off the Apptix Exchance service would be wise to ask several questions before committing to GoDaddy Office 365 (or any other email provider for that matter.)
Quite obviously, price is one key factor, but you also need to know just what you’re getting for your money. For example, does your monthly fee cover customer care? If so, for how long? And do you speak to a live person who knows the technology?
Closely related to the question of price are your terms. What if you don’t like the new provider? Can you get your money back? Are you free to leave without penalty? And can you get month-to-month, pay-as-you-go billing?
Another issue is compatibility. In many cases, email is connected to other services like spam & virus protection, email encryption, and archiving & eDiscovery. Will your new platform support these features? And will they support your provider or do they force you to a different one?
As you discuss these issues, don’t forget to talk about security. How much control to you have over where your data is stored? How serious is the provider about protecting your information? Is it built in at every level, or is it an “after-market” option?
These are just a few of the basic questions you should pose to anyone before you allow them to host your email. For some Apptix customers, moving to GoDaddy might be a great choice, always remember that it is your choice to make.
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