Stay in control of your email, even when your server goes offline
Thought Leadership
Stay in control of your email, even when your server goes offline
Kristy McDaniel Baia

Hurricane season is among us in the southeastern United States. With email being such an essential part of business, you can't afford for your mail server to go offline--even if it was because of a catastrophic storm. Even if you don't live in area that is in threat to many natural disasters, power outages and routine server maintenance can leave you without mail. With Email Continuity Service from AppRiver, your email stays within reach at all times from any device, regardless of what happens in the world around you.
With ECS, your mail first passes through our SecureTide spam and virus filters to protect your network, and then delivered to your server. The process is instantaneous, and a copy of your email is stored on the ECS server for 30 days. So whether a disaster happens--or a power outage thanks to your neighbor flying his drone flying into a power line--email is still available from the past month. Additionally, AppRiver will store your new inbound messages so your customers don't receive any bounced messages while your server is offline--and you can access these messages from any device.
Ready to start your free 30 day trial of ECS? Visit